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Learn to Swing Dance DVD
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Price:  $39.95
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SKU #822319

Yes, you do need more swing dance instruction in your especially if its this two-tape set, jam-packed with 32 moves, including everything from basic turns to swivels, kicks, and syncopated steps.

There are steps for both single-step and triple-step swing, with very little overlap. Instructors Chris Reilly and Ginger de Paris demonstrate each step to music, followed by the guys gig and gals gig, in which clear shots of footwork and body movement show the leaders and followers patterns. Follow-up demos of each move are done to both slow and fast music, and a review sequence is shown after every five moves.

Both beginners and more advanced dancers will find something they can use here, whether its the underarm turn, wrap-in, heel rocks, or the boogie woogie.

2 VOLS. Color. 3 hrs. Ginger De Paris
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