Featured Categories and Products
Jewelry - Music Treasures has music and dance inspired jewelry for
all occasions. These products can be used as graduation gifts,
expressions of friendship and used to show your enthusiasm for your
favorite talent. See our
Music Jewelry or go
directly to the Jewelry
section for many choices:
- Schoenhut Toy Pianos - See our line of these exquisite
miniatures that will stimulate and delight the budding music
lover or performer! These are worth the collector's value
alone! See our Schoenhut
Piano or view the products: Toy
- Don't wait until the last minute to review our on-line
Christmas music gifts packed with unique decorative products to help
create a musical influence to your Christmas holidays. We have
holiday greeting cards, lights, giftwrap, ribbons, gift bags,
wall decorations and hundreds of musically inspired inexpensive
gifts for the music lover in your life.
Christmas Ornaments
Christmas Cards are most popular
- Valentine's Day is special at Music Treasures. We feature gifts for Valentine's Day Music Lovers that are nice for the musician or dancer.